
Before we get to today’s article, I just want to mention that am writing from the perspective of a man that has experienced many of the challenges of which I write…. and those spiritual battles continue daily. The articles are implications of what it means to obey the commandment to raise your children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. They require some reflection and are particularly for Christians who, as Peter would say, are diligently seeking to confirm their calling and are making every effort to supplement their faith. Said more succinctly, serious Christians. If you know other believers who desire to walk more faithfully with the Lord, please forward an article to them and tell them to sign up for future articles. Thanks so much!


Am I The Small “k” Or The Capital “K” Person?

I had the privilege and joy of recently running into a Kingdom-minded person. You might ask, what is a Kingdom-minded person? After all, isn’t every professing believer in Jesus Christ a Kingdom-minded person? And my answer to that is no. Most professing Christians are small “k” Kingdom-minded, but there are some, like rare jewels, who are Kingdom-minded with a capital “K.” So, what does a capital “K” Kingdom-minded person look like? Let me try to paint the picture.

A Kingdom-minded person has read the Lord’s words and taken it seriously. He is not anxious about the future because the Lord has said, “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you” (Matt. 6:33).

The Kingdom-minded person’s motivation is to do all he can for the Lord and to build His kingdom because the Lord did all He could for Him. He feels the weight of Pauls’ words when he wrote in Romans 8:31-32, “If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things?”

He understands that the Lord owns it all- his money, his possessions, and even his children, and knows that he has a stewardship for which he will one day give an account. He does not want to show up with nothing at the judgement and therefore, he does not make a token effort in his stewardship. He doesn’t just put money into an offering plate at church. No, he spends time to research how he may take advantage of any giving opportunities and how he might maximize his gift. He knows the Lord so he will not operate in such a way that he is too afraid to take appropriate risks worthy of serving the King. Others may be cast into the outer darkness where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth for their slothfulness, but he will not (Matt. 25:30).

He lives with the active thought that his days are numbered and therefore does not waste the time that the Lord has given him. He looks to the Lord for wisdom as he plans his days, weeks, and years and worries not in his mistakes because he knows that the Lord will redirect his steps (Psalm 90:12 and Proverbs 16:9).

He searches for opportunities to love and serve others using the gifts that the King has entrusted to him. His heart motivation is to obey and emulate the servant King and does not serve out of compulsion or for show. Therefore, he will not be one of those to whom the Lord says, “On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness’ (Matt. 7:22-23).

He understands the sinfulness of his own heart and does not seek praise from men. He rejects recognition because he is aware of the need to be on guard against pride. He has embraced the truth of the verse where Jesus says, “Does he thank the servant because he did what was commanded? So you also, when you have done all that you were commanded, say, ‘We are unworthy servants; we have only done what was our duty’”(Luke 17:9-10).

I have never seen a Kingdom-minded man lose his wealth. I am sure that it happens sometimes if it is God’s will according to God’s perfect purposes. But I have never seen it happen. In fact, He always gets more. It may not be more money, but it will be the true riches- growing in the grace and knowledge of King Jesus. “Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master” (Matt. 25:21).

He is thankful and amazed at God’s grace to him and has a desire that others would know the Lord and His salvation. Therefore, he is not afraid to share the good news with others and longs to grow in his sanctification. In Matthew 10:32-33, Jesus said, “So everyone who acknowledges me before men, I also will acknowledge before my Father who is in heaven, but whoever denies me before men, I also will deny before my Father who is in heaven.”

He is passionate about his family coming to know Christ and His precepts for life just as he does. He is aware of the threat of worldliness to his children and battles those threats by establishing boundaries (the negative) and by modeling a Christian life of obedience to the King (the positive). He has made a declaration about the direction of his home like Joshua did in Joshua 24:15. It is not a home partially dedicated to the Lord and partially focused on worldly things. No, Joshua declared that all idols must be put away and he and his house will serve the Lord.

He enjoys the blessings that come from God, but does it in a measured way, careful to not overindulge lest he fall in love with the things of no eternal value or squander the Lord’s goods.

This kind of man, this Kingdom man, did not set out to become a Kingdom man. He did not one day think about the title and decide to pursue it as a goal. No, people become Kingdom people because God makes them Kingdom people through their obedience and total dedication to the King. That means anyone can become a Kingdom person with a capital “K.” In fact, if one obeys the Lord and truly desires to do so with their whole heart, soul, mind, and strength, you cannot avoid being a Kingdom-minded person!

That’s something to think about for every one of us.

Finally, I just want to mention the recording that I was able to do this week. It is an updated version of one of the greatest sermons used by God to awaken people to their condition before a holy God. It is called, “Sinners In The Hands Of An Angry God” by Jonathan Edwards. It is absolutely excellent. Click on the link below or click on the link in this week’s email to listen.


I apologize that I have yet to get the website set up for all the recordings that I am doing and that it is only available on Apple Podcasts,  but we’ll get there. To peruse all of the recordings that have been done to date, click on the link here in the article or click the link in the weekly email. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/channel/cherish-ephesians-6-4/id6449722161

Have a great week!


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Last modified: July 7, 2023

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