
Before we get to today’s article, I just want to mention that am writing from the perspective of a man that has experienced many of the challenges of which I write…. and those spiritual battles continue daily. The articles are implications of what it means to obey the commandment to raise your children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. They require some reflection and are particularly for Christians who, as Peter would say, are diligently seeking to confirm their calling and are making every effort to supplement their faith. Said more succinctly, serious Christians. If you know other believers who desire to walk more faithfully with the Lord, please forward an article to them and tell them to sign up for future articles. Thanks so much!

The Thanksgiving Holiday And Crazy Families.

Well that very special day of the year is upon us and for many families, it will be a day filled with joy, stress, and anger. Why? Because members of our family can be so different one from another.

Very few of you will hear this and not understand what I’m talking about, but for the majority of families in America, there will be at least one typically rude person who comes to Thanksgiving. This is the self-centered person who loves to hear himself talk. He is full of opinions and is determined to let everyone know his view. He is loud and is in the habit of interrupting people who are trying to communicate with him by simply cutting them off mid-sentence and raising his voice over theirs.

Then there is the completely stressed out relative whose life is a mess. Upon arriving at your home, he will dispense quickly with the greeting and scan the room for the nearest source of alcohol.

And of course, there will be a mix of Christians and non-Christians in the room who are all coming together with potentially different ideas about what Thanksgiving represents. In fact, they will have different ideas and different worldviews about many things. And this year, we have the ultimate fuel for a fire of disagreement and anger. I am referring to the presidential election. Yes, once again, we have the wonderful combo of religion and politics!

Many Christians will look forward to Thanksgiving as the time when they can share the gospel with their nonbelieving relatives. Others will anticipate conversations about the culture and politics and be anxious to enter into the discussion armed with powerful arguments they believe will change the position of the person who is their target.

Both of the aforementioned goals are laden with traps. On conversations concerning the culture, Christians must remember that a person’s view of culture is closely tied to their heart’s condition, and their heart’s condition is absolutely tied to their view of Jesus Christ. Said another way, the knowledge of the Bible and a person’s belief in its entirety, shapes their entire worldview, and if they do not believe and trust the Word of God, it is impossible for them to have a worldview that agrees with yours, no matter how good your arguments are! I would suggest treading carefully in those discussions and make being a great listener as your primary goal.

And what about sharing the gospel? Am I suggesting that Christians not share the gospel? No, but I am suggesting that we wait on God and follow His leading. This reminds me of some people when they say, “I led someone to Christ.” Now I don’t mean to be picky here because we know when most people say that they led someone to Christ, they mean that God used them in the process of Him leading them to Christ. That said, I believe we often think that we have more influence over a person’s conversion than we actually do. The fact is no person has ever led a person to Christ; it is the Spirit who leads a person to Christ and the person sharing the gospel has absolutely zero power in the process. So, I think we need to be more cognizant of that fact when we anticipate opportunities to share the gospel. You need to be keenly aware when a person begins to ask questions about what you believe, it may be indicating God is working in their heart. When that door is opened by God, we should not hesitate to walk through it and share as much truth as the listener is willing to hear. However, if we force ourselves and the gospel on someone who has not indicated any interest in hearing us, we fall into a trap that ends up building walls between us rather than destroying hinderances that keep them from truly hearing the gospel.

So how then do we witness for Christ at Thanksgiving? Our witness for Christ is through our speech and actions. When we talk about our lives and what God has been doing, we ought to say so. So, for example, we should give glory to God and if you received a promotion at work, you might say, the Lord really blessed me, and I’ve gotten this new position. Or, if you’ve been sick or you were injured, you might say, the Lord was gracious to me, and I’ve been able to heal up fairly quickly. Or, if you are struggling in your finances, your family, your health, or anything, you might say, I’ve been praying that God will give me wisdom so I can figure out how to move forward. This is how we should be talking in our Christian lives all the time; it should be something natural for us. If not, it is an indication of something we need to change.

Another way to witness for our Lord is through Christian music. Christian music provides a non-confrontational way to hear words of truth about God, His Son, and the Spirit. I would also suggest that you put careful thought into the pre-meal prayer. You might even choose to read a Psalm or part of a Psalm. There are many that are filled with thanksgiving. And finally, your prayer should also be something significant. I don’t mean long winded but filled with truth and glory to God. I have had a problem with that long winded part in the past so that’s something I always need to work on.

In summary, look towards Thanksgiving Day as a day where the family that God has given you comes together. Some will be rude, others strange, others annoying. But all of them have been brought into your sphere of influence by the Lord and your calling is to love them where they are and share Christ with them should God Himself give you an opportunity. And when Thanksgiving is over, don’t miss the opportunities to discuss the experience with your children. They need to think correctly about their immediate and extended family and how they should respond to difficult situations.

And by the way, happy Thanksgiving!


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Last modified: November 22, 2024

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