Before we get to today’s article, I just want to mention that am writing from the perspective of a man that has experienced many of the challenges of which I write…. and those spiritual battles continue daily. The articles are implications of what it means to obey the commandment to raise your children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. They require some reflection and are particularly for Christians who, as Peter would say, are diligently seeking to confirm their calling and are making every effort to supplement their faith. Said more succinctly, serious Christians. If you know other believers who desire to walk more faithfully with the Lord, please forward an article to them and tell them to sign up for future articles. Thanks so much!
The President Will Not Destroy Your Family. But Maybe You Can.
With the first trial of former President Trump now behind us, it would be a good time to take a fresh look and how our culture is handling politics. I think it’s important for Christians to realize that the continued decline of Christianity in our country is manifesting itself in the following ways:
- The rise of hate. More and more Americans show their hate for others in both their words and actions they take. There was very little discourse of ideas and there are actually places that would be dangerous for you to express your affiliation or views.
- The rise of pride. It is now common to find an absolute disdain for the political party you disagree with. People are looking down on the political party they disagree with and speaking about those people in extremely disparaging ways.
- The decline of appropriate behavior towards others (decorum). People in places of leadership are shouting at each other and calling each other names. Even those in the highest office in the land speak profanities that make them no better than a filthy mouthed punk.
- The weapon of slander and half-truths/lies has become an acceptable way of doing business. There is no shame.
- It is now commonplace that leaders around the world are often mired in scandals that would have been things of great embarrassment not too many years ago. Today, the leader embroiled in scandal does not shrink away but embraces the scandal for political gain.
What is happening? I believe we are experiencing the judgment of God on a nation that has become more and more anti-God in these last 60 years than ever. No, we are not Israel, and no, I know that there has always been wickedness and debauchery in the cultures of the past. But for a nation that was once closely aligned with Christianity (at least on the outside), I do not believe there has been a nation that has fallen morally so far and fast as the USA in these last 60 years. That fall away from obedience to God does not simply warrant a response from God, but demands one because He will not be mocked.
So how about our two Presidential candidates in 2024? Which one best represents the interests of the God of the Universe? Who can Christians align themselves with? Well, you know the old expression, the lesser of two evils, right? Sorry if I just stepped on your corns, but you do realize that both of these men are just sinful, fallen men, right? You do realize that they both men use God’s name in vain, have themselves as their true object of worship, covet the power that they have, commit slander as a way of gain, and are the masters of lies and half-truths (which are lies). Regarding adultery, both have a history of inappropriate sexual contact with women. And thinking about murder, one supports the killing of babies and the other exudes so much hate toward his competitors that we can apply Jesus’ teaching that hate in the heart is the equivalent of murder.
So, then who will be our choice for our modern day king? Do we just throw our hands up in the air and refuse to even vote? Does it matter? Yes, it does matter, and our vote will dictate which path our country is on at least for the next four years. There are new policies and new laws that will be enacted by the leadership of either man and they will have an effect on American life.
But here is where we so easily go wrong: our passion for a government that would honor God can morph into a passion for a man that would save us, and that passion becomes a sinful, God dishonoring passion that God hates. This is the kind of passion that the world has, and the Christian should never have. Take a quick word search in the New Testament epistles for passion or passions and you will see it mentioned 25 times. In almost all cases, the words come with warnings such as, “to not be like the Gentiles” (1 Thess. 4:5), “to put to death earthly passion” (Colossians 3:5), and “to renounce ungodliness and worldly passions” (Titus 2:12).
The truth is that no man, even the President with a politically favorable House and Senate, can save or destroy you and your family. There is only One who we should fear and trust and that is the One who can destroy body and soul (Matt. 10:28).
We have seen this story before, and it has been written down by God for our instruction. Back to Israel we go and after being rescued from bondage under a wicked ruler, they complained in the desert. They didn’t complain that God wasn’t providing for them because He was. They complained because they didn’t have the same food that they had when they were in slavery. They were not content with God’s provision, nor did they esteem Him as they should. As a result, God judged them and killed 600,000 men in the wilderness over 40 years for their lack of faith in Him.
The book of Deuteronomy clearly tells the Jews that they are to love God above all else and keep His commandments. He instructed them to diligently teach the children about Him and keep away from the other nations around them. He warned them against disobedience and plainly told them that the punishment for disobedience would be severe. But instead of obedience, they chose to do exactly what He told them not to and the judgment of God came upon them.
Fast forward 360 years, the people demand that they have a king, just like the other nations. So, God gave them Saul. They placed their trust in a man instead of God and as a result, judgment came again on the people. Even during the reign of King David, we see how a man can be a devious, murdering adulterer and the consequences that follow. This is why it is OK to be passionate about the things that God is passionate about (as revealed in His word) but is dangerous to allow our passions to become invested in a mere man. Remember, even Jesus did not want to be thought of as a savior in the way the world thinks of a savior!
Christians need to think like Christians, and we learn how to do that from the Bible. We need to apply the fact that He is sovereign over everything that happens and if we experience suffering or persecutions in any way, it is because He has determined that it is good for us and moves us towards His ultimate purpose of making us more like Christ. That means you cannot be poor, or persecuted, or overtaxed, or have your freedoms removed, or have your belongings destroyed, or even killed, unless it fulfills God’s purposes for you.
But you can contribute to your destruction if you place your passions and trust in anyone or anything but God. The message from God to us is obey all He has commanded, love Him supremely, give thanks for whatever He has given you, and raise the children He has given you to think the same way. This is a good a time as any to take a real life check on what we are doing, especially with the children.
- Who do your children love in this world? Ask them who they would like to be like. Is that person the one that you would like them to become?
- Which people have you put before their eyes and ears that they will inevitably mimic?
- Who are your children’s friends?
- What are your children watching and listening to- movies, social media, music?
- Do your children receive education in a place that loves God?
- Do you have regular times of teaching and discussion about God in your home?
Trump or Biden will not answer to God about how you did Ephesians 6:4 in your home- you will.
Dig deep, brothers and sisters, and I’ll see you next time.
Title: Stand Firm Written By Peter Jeffery and Read By Michael Lee
Description: So you just became a Christian and now what? Get ready for a life of walking with the Lord and experiencing the joy of knowing you have peace with God. However, you also have an enemy- the devil. Peter Jeffery wants to help by teaching you about the battle with the wicked one and how you can STAND FIRM against his attacks!
Apple Podcast:
Title: All Things For Good Written By Thomas Watson And Read By Michael Lee
Description: One of the great Puritans, Watson writes based on the great promise from God that all things work together for good to those that love God. The book will expand your faith in God’s promises and His attributes and give a great comfort to your soul.
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Read it online at
Title: Sinners In The Hands Of An Angry God, By Jonathan Edwards And Read By Michael Lee
Description: This famous sermon by Jonathan Edwards will sober you up to the awesomeness of God. It is updated in modern English by Modern
Apple Podcast:
Title: The Duties Of Parents From The Booklet By J.C. Ryle. Read By Michael Lee
Description: From the famous booklet written by Pastor J.C. Ryle. Pastor Ryle gives us 17 points of Christian parenting on which to focus our attention. His words are timeless and apply to parenting today as much as it did 100 years ago.
Apple Podcast:
“Why Should I Believe Anything About Jesus Christ?” Written By Various Authors And Read By Michael Lee
Description: This Podcast features three famous recordings of booklets written by John Blanchard that will strengthen your own understanding on the death and resurrection of Christ and also serve as a great evangelistic tool for a friend or family member. The first booklet is called, “Ultimate Questions.” The second booklet is called, “Why The Cross?” And the third booklet is called, “Jesus, Dead Or Alive?”
Apple Podcast:
YouTube: Each of the John Blanchard booklets has its own recording. See below.
Ultimate Questions.
Jesus- Dead Or Alive?
Why The Cross?
Christian Behavior, written by John Bunyan. This is a wonderful fairly short book written by the great John Bunyan to help Christians understand that their lives should be full of good works! Bunyan takes us to Titus 3:7-8 and brings practical application to all areas of the Christian life. You will be blessed by this great saint!
Apple Podcast:
Choose Your Master: God Or Money. The links are immediately below-
Description: This is one of the most written about topics in the Bible because it is one of the most dangerous to the Christian. Listen in on the good and bad experiences of the author and strongly consider the Bible’s teaching on stewardship.
Apple Podcast:
Title: All Things For Good Written By Thomas Watson And Read By Michael Lee
Description: One of the great Puritans, Watson writes based on the great promise from God that all things work together for good to those that love God. The book will expand your faith in God’s promises and His attributes and give a great comfort to your soul.
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Read it online at
Title: Critical Considerations For Christian Parents About Your Child’s Education, By Michael Lee
Description: As we search the Bible for answers to the question: How shall we raise our children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord,” we can see that the system for educating children was done primary by the parents in the home. However, the world in which we live now is quite different and the vast majority of parents use an educational system that is outside of the home and is that system is called the public schools, or the government schools.
Apple Podcast:
Title: From Religion To Christ, Written By Peter Jeffery And Read By Michael Lee
Description: Tired of the many systems of religion that you have observed or been part of in the past? Are you ready to say goodbye to religion? The author Peter Jeffery, agrees! Doing “religion” is empty and will not get you to heaven. There is something more-something much greater. Take a careful listen through this podcast and discover what a real relationship with God actually looks like.
Apple Podcast:
Title: Rediscovering The Lost Treasure Of Family Worship. Written By Jerry Marcellino And Read By Michael Lee
Description: Family Worship was once the normal practice that most Christian parents led in their homes. Led by either parent, the children would be taught daily from the word of God, pray and sing songs. It was considered to be a vital part of the Christian life.
Apple Podcast:
Title: Thoughts For Young Men From The Book By J.C. Ryle. Read By Michael Lee
Description: A wonderful book of Biblical truth and advice for young men. Helpful to parents as well as the young men themselves. Full of wisdom for a life filled with Christ. J.C. Ryle (1816-1900) served God in England as a pastor and teacher for more than 40 years. His words are still being used by the Lord today and are applicable to all Christians in all times.
Apple Podcast:
Title: The Duties Of Parents From The Booklet By J.C. Ryle. Read By Michael Lee
Description: From the famous booklet written by Pastor J.C. Ryle. Pastor Ryle gives us 17 points of Christian parenting on which to focus our attention. His words are timeless and apply to parenting today as much as it did 100 years ago.
Apple Podcast:
Title: Choose Your Master: God Or Money. Written And Read By Michael Lee
Description: This is one of the most written about topics in the Bible because it is one of the most dangerous to the Christian. Listen in on the good and bad experiences of the author and strongly consider the Bible’s teaching on stewardship.
Apple Podcast:
Title: A Call To Prayer By J.C. Ryle. Read By Michael Lee
Description: This is a passionate plea from the famous preacher and teacher, J.C. Ryle. Although these words were penned more than 100 years ago, the need and application for today’s Christian is greater than ever.
Apple Podcast:
Title: Precious Remedies Against Satan’s Devices From The Book By Thomas Brooks. Read By Michael Lee
Description: (This is one that you can listen to a “precious remedy” each day). Thomas Brooks, born in 1608, was a Puritan preacher who wrote a number of essays during his time with possibly the foremost entitled, “Precious Remedies Against Satan’s Devices.” In writing the book’s dedication, he wrote, “Christ, the scripture, your own hearts, and Satan’s devices, are the four prime things that should be first and most studied and searched. If any cast off the study of these they cannot be safe here, nor happy hereafter.” Brooks believed that all Christians have particular weaknesses in their faith and those weaknesses would be exploited in some way by Satan.
Apple Podcast:
Title: Messages You Want To Share With A Friend Or Loved One. Written By Various Authors And Read By Michael Lee
Description: This one has 11 different recordings of parental concerns including how to love difficult people, how to deal with angry children, family feuds, how can I know I am a Christian, and more.
Apple Podcast:
Title: The Mortification Of Sin By John Owen And Read By Michael Lee
Description: This famous treatment on killing or “mortifying,” sin by John Owen, has been updated in modern English by Modern Puritans. You will have to think hard but it is worth the journey.
Apple Podcast:
Title: Can You Trust God? Written and Recorded by Michael Lee
Description: Trusting God is not always easy in the midst of difficulties. We tend to trust in the things that we can see and feel and often succumb to anxiety or despair. My purpose in writing and recording this booklet is to create an ironclad argument for trusting God no matter what the situation.
Apple Podcast:
Title: Cherish Ephesians 6:4 Written and Recorded by Michael Lee
Description: This is the podcast that has the weekly article from the Cherish Ephesians 6:4 ministry.
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Last modified: May 31, 2024